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About Us

Assistance with Food Insecurities

Community Resources

According to Feeding America, approximately 1 in 7 households in the United States is food insecure. This means that approximately 48 million households and 15 million children in the U.S. do not have reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

Every day, roughly 2 million Ohioans are unsure if they will be able to feed themselves or their families.

And more specifically, in Wood County, 14.8 percent of people (18,840 residents) are food insecure. 

Multiple population studies show that not having access to a reliable and nutritious source of food has significant health impacts, especially on children and those with chronic diseases. 

Providers and staff at Wood Health Company, Women's Care of Wood County, Falcon Health and Wood County Hospital are committed to helping improve the health of our patients and our communities. Increasing awareness of available food resources and the role nutritious foods play in our health is an important part of this goal.

Below is information about local community resources for you or someone you know who may need assistance. 

Community Resources PDF - Updated June 2024

Area Food Pantries

Free Meals

Low Cost Meals

Community Gardens

Additional Resources