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Rehabilitation Services

Welcome to our county’s most comprehensive rehab services

Speech/Language Therapy

Wood County Hospital Speech Therapists provide individualized evaluation and treatment of a variety of speech, language, cognitive, and swallowing disorders for both pediatric and adult patients. Some of the impairments and disorders include: 

  • Aphasia 
  • Apraxia of Speech 
  • Articulation/Phonological Disorders 
  • Auditory Processing Disorders 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders 
  • Cognitive Communication 
  • Feeding/Swallowing 
  • Fluency Disorders/Stuttering 
  • Neuromuscular Disorders 
  • Nonverbal Communication 
  • Oral-Motor Disorders/Tongue Thrust 
  • Pragmatic Language (social language) 
  • Reading/Literacy Disorders 
  • Receptive and Expressive Language Disorder 
  • Traumatic Brain Injury 
  • Voice Disorders 

Specialized Services

Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment

Teaches children with apraxia of speech the easiest way of saying words until they have motor-speech coordination. 


The Picture Exchange Communication System is a unique augmentative/alternate training program that teaches children and adults with autism and communication deficits to initiate communication. 

VitalStim Therapy System

This system is a non-invasive therapy to help swallowing through the use of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES). Electrical stimulation is used to aid muscle strengthening and muscle recruitment to rehabilitate the swallow. 


Using several different AAC applications, speech-language pathologists help individuals express themselves using a computerized voice system. Research is strong to indicate AAC helps children grow in language skills, whether a child will grow into being a verbal communicator in the future or require AAC long term. WCH does not provide AAC evaluations but can work with device users of all abilities.