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April WOW Award Winner - Robbie R., RN - Emergency Department

The WOW Patient Experience Initiative recognizes team members who engage with patients/families, visitors and employees in exceptional ways, providing a superior level of commitment and reflecting the values of Wood County Hospital. Robbie Rogers, RN - ER, was selected as the April WOW award winner for going above and beyond.

When several patients unexpectedly found themselves in the ED on the day of a much-anticipated total solar eclipse. Despite the busy environment, Robbie ensured her patients didn't miss out on this rare event.

Robbie noticed a 12-year-old boy under her care who lacked eclipse glasses and was upset about missing the eclipse. She found a spare pair of glasses and prioritized the boy's discharge, allowing him and his mother to witness the special event.

Later, Robbie overheard an older couple, originally planning to watch the eclipse together, who also found themselves in the ED that day. The husband, unable to leave, was resigned to missing the event, leaving his wife feeling bad about the situation. Touched by their encounter, Robbie fetched a wheelchair and eclipse glasses and accompanied the patient outside, allowing the couple to witness the eclipse together. They joined the small group gathered outside the ED. Both were so thrilled to be able to watch the show!

Robbie's quick actions show what nursing care is about - helping individuals during tough times. Her nomination for the WOW Award showcases her dedication to providing excellent care to our community. It also reminds us how simple, kind actions can really help when things are tough.

Robbie has been a part of Wood County Hospital for the past three years. She began her medical career as a medical assistant in urgent care before advancing to become an RN. Robbie chose WCH because of its close-knit community atmosphere, where everyone knows each other by name, fostering a friendly environment that's uncommon in larger hospitals. In providing care, she is dedicated to treating her patients as if they were her own family members and spreading positivity with a smile or simple kindness.